
Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Apprentice - Part 2

On Saturday I took Joshua down the the harbour for some more casting practice, once again I set him up with a spoon rigged without a hook, and left him to his own devices while I did some spinning on the sea side of the breakwater, where the fish are. This time the weather was much more conducive, it was actually quite pleasant and I had a good session, albeit I didn't see any fish. Every so often I would take a look at how Joshua was getting on, and when I saw he was getting the lure out consistently, not far, but with much less frequent overwinds, I said, 'Ok. alright, it's time to put a hook on that rig, and time for you to graduate to the breakwater. 'Uitkyk visse, hier kom Joshua!' Nothing like being thrown in at the deep end. So I put a hook on and Joshua joined me on the wall. It was a pleasant two-hour session, with the usual parade of pretty girls and everything.

This morning, being Sunday, I attended Holy Mass at Holy Cross Church in District Six. The Mass starts at 09h00 and ends at 10h00, so I phoned the wind report and got 5 knots from the north at Cape Point, I couldn't let that one go so I phoned Roger and set up a trip to the 'Krantz for me and Joshua. It was almost eleven o'clock when I picked him up, and we made the 'Krantz just in time for the 2 o'clock show. In fact, we started our descent of the mountain at 1 o'clock.

There were two guys on the high point as we approached, and, as we were approaching, both of them jumped up animatedly and I said to Josh, 'They've seen fish.' It was overcast and cloudy, and in those sort of conditions it's a little difficult to spot fish, so I said to Joshua, as two spinners went out, 'Watch that spinner, just keep your eye on it', and, so wragtie waar, a beautiful shoal of yellowtail rose to the lures, and one or two fish followed them lackadaisically, which said to me that they weren't really on the bite. But at least we knew there were fish around, and Joshua had seen his first shoal. I think he was nogal quite impressed.

I set Joshua up on Mugg's Ledge (where all beginners start at the 'Krantz), and joined the other anglers a little higher up. I raised one shoal, again the fish just came up and had a look at the lure, they didn't look at all very keen, and we eventually left at 5 o'clock with nothing but a tan. On the way up the mountain we saw another shoal of about thirty-or-so fish.

 Joshua spinning at the 'Kantz

I gotta sneaky feeling that my little apprentice didn't quite realise how hard he was working - after he laid eyes on his first shoal. On the way back he fell asleep, man down, lights out, all the way from Cape Point to Grassy Park!!!

Lots of Love


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