
Saturday, January 1, 2011

The end of 2010 and the start of 2011

I have already described the end-of-the-year bash at Justin's place; here are one or two pictures:

Justin and Jerry survey the land behind the 'Boerewors Curtain'

The little Lady, Emily
Check out the bonsai in the background

There was some confusion / miscommunication about the New Year's Eve bash; some were unsure about whether it was on or off, some thought it was a bring-and-braai and others had other ideas. But it went down well in the end.

It has been a Southeaster Christmas, with the Cape Doctor in spectacular form. It really blew up a storm, and carried on right into the new year. This lure fisherman always has a weather eye open for any drop in the wind (I surreptitiously phoned the lighthouse, in the thick of the party, as darkness fell yesterday, it was blowing 44 knots and gusting up to 65 knots - I think 30 knots is gale force!). I had spent some effort in getting all tackled up, I gotta little project which involves me teaching Joshua to fish, but the wind has kept us grounded all month. In the aftermath of last night's party, I awoke this morning at 05h30, phoned the lighthouse, it was blowing 35 knots, I fell asleep and woke again at 09h00, and the cut-off low had made landfall and the wind had changed to 5 knots northwest and it was raining, PERFECT conditions for yellowtail. But we won't go fishing today, I suspect tomorrow may be the day,

The theme of the party was supposed to be the sixties, you know, hippies, The Beatles, Flower Power and all that. I got sideswiped by a minibus taxi in the afternoon, so I spent the rest of it driving around to various police stations trying to fill out an accident report and could not acquire a costume. Carol rocked up in a leather jacket, wearing a Tina Turner wig and red lipstick and looked nogal sexy! Amanda was all dolled up in elegant green and blue, Ferdi steeked out wearing a Nelson Mandela shirt, which, while not exactly being a sixties look, was more or less in the party spirit. First prize must go to Leon, though, who looked the splitting image of Jimi Hendrix - all he needed was a Fender Strat around his neck!

 Another contender for the title, 'Daai wilde meid'!!!

Amanda's hands

 Amanda's hair

Amanda's smile

The Scheepers' family couldn't make it (Jeremy & Celeste, Stephen, Greg & Ann); they went to see Johnny Clegg at Kirstenbosch Gardens' New year's Eve bash.

Caitlin and Tiffany tasting the fruits

Paul had just completed alterations and extensions to his house, it came out really well - he had built another storey, amongst other things. At his prompting, I went upstairs to take a couple of sunset pictures through one of the top floor windows. It was nogal quite spectacular.

Sunset 1 at Paul & Michelle's place

Sunset 2 at Paul & Michelle's place

Winding down 2010

Sophisticated  Lady

Alexander was also there


Reflections in the floor

Caitlin trips the light fantastic

Fruits of the Cape

Ferdi's Mandela look

Roger in a philosophical mood

Oppie stoep

Roger, Debbie and 'Jimi'

The kids are alright

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