The planned devil's peak walk was once again postponed as the white blanket covered the mountain above us for as far as the eye could see.
We, the flexible, opted for a nice walk up Lion's Head again. Just across the way, on towards Signal hill is the start to a steep, winding jeep track. It is not entirely an easy walk. The regular occurrence of rocks and ladders on the trail made for some awkward stretching and heavy breathing. It was a fair challenge for the out of action few. The views at the top was well worth the raising of heart rates.
Breakfast sandwiches from Mel's kitchen was really enjoyable. Cedric's rye bread Gatsby, fresh and healthy, was equally rewarding. To top it off we sipped some coffee from the flask and then a lekker black toffee sweet, the one what sticks to the teeth. Delightful!
As the food disappeared, and cigarettes burnt shorter, we enjoyed the warm morning sun as it broke through. The blanket of cloud over the table mountain range lifted for a short while as we contemplated a possible late start on Devil's peak. That thought was short lived as the cloud once again covered the trail on the other side of the valley.
All in all it was a really good workout. The upcoming hike at Arangieskop this coming weekend is going to be a breeze for the hardworking, early rising few.
Wees gegroet stappers
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